Monday, September 14, 2009

All in the Same Place

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Touch of Autumn - Image c Lynda Lehmann

Reach - Image c Lynda Lehmann

Idyllic - Image c Lynda Lehmann

Here are three views of trees leaning over a lake in southern Maine, taken a week before the onset of autumn. They protrude from the fertile bank within mere feet of each other, practically at the same point. Each tree is different, in species, form, and the texture and color of its bark and foliage. Yet each is the same: leaning for sun and sustenance over the shallows in the fading afternoon light.

Lush with life, resplendent in diversity, our planet sings the songs of its seasons.

What are some of your favorite sights, in autumn?

All images and text copyright Lynda Lehmann. All rights reserved.

If you would like to view my art or make a purchase, please visit Lynda Lehmann Painting and Photography or my gallery at Imagekind, where you can choose from several sizes and paper types or buy my prints plain or matted and framed.

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1 comment:

Ujwala Prabhu said...

beautiful photographs. thank you for sharing.