Le Cadeau du Cheval, The Horse Gift
A huge mural project made of individual paintings. The top image is the panel I received, and the image below is what I created from the colors and patterns of the top image.
While I was waiting for my panel to arrive, I thought about what the "horse gift" meant to me. The first thing that came to my mind was what a mare contributes when she "gives" us a foal. She must depend upon us to care for her very body and soul while she carries this baby, then after it's born, she gives the foal many gifts...her wisdom, curiosity, tolerance, patience....
It is then up to us to honor this gift she has given us and take on the responsibility of caring for her and her foal until he becomes the horse we train and ride.
The color purple fit this idea perfectly, as to me, the mare has a royal undertaking in her part in our schemes!
I'll be mailing this finished panel off to Canada tomorrow. Once it's placed in it's spot on the mural grid, you'll be able to see it there. Some artist's work has all ready been placed, go see them! You can watch the mural come about.
Donna Ridgway
I love this painting. The colors are wonderful.
Wow it turned out quite wonderfully Donna! (((applaude)))
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